Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Social Constructivist Learning approach; The Value of Collaboration Learning projects as Education Methologies

I found that this article to be very comprehensive, it effectively highlighted yet another benefit of technology advancement in the classroom. there are alot of solutions throughout this reading, that solve some problems facing teachers today in the classroom, and i have found this very helpful.

Collaborative learning projects greately benefit the children in a educational but also enjoyable manner. this project highlights the real world probelms and how they are encorparated throughout the ICT world.

This article does a very good job in again convincing me that computers are very useful in schools. as an inspiring teacher myself i found this readnig very useful in extending my knowledge to collaboaorative learning projects as a great benefit to the students and their learning abilities.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Computers as Mind Tools for Engaging Critical Thinking: David Jonassen

This article effectively highlights the different computer tools available to teachers and students alike. I personally feel that this is a very theoretical article that expresses how computers can be used as great tools to enhance and better our understanding and widen our knowledge.

I feel that out of all of the articles read so far this particular one would have to be the one in which I agree with most. I personally use the mind tools such as the database, micro worlds, and semantic networking in my classroom. I agree with Jonassen when he keeps reinforcing the importance of the use of computers and how they should be exercised as tools to better our learning rather then this sudden force on teachers to meet this demand.

I personally feel that if you have the right ideas and tools, you as the teacher can reinforce and promote learning within the classroom. I strongly agree with Jonassen when he points out how using technology does not encourage students to speak their mind and express their opinion. However with the right balance within the classroom this minor problem can be deal with.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants- Prensky

This article on digital natives and digital immigrants touches on some very interesting and valid points in regard to the different generations of technology. The concern is whether students or rather the generation of today are having a healthy balance of positive educational gain and personal amusement involving the computer and the opportunities it opens for them.

Throughout my education I have been involved around computer from an early age, both in the classroom and at home. Therefore I consider myself someone who is confident when it comes to the world of computers and technology. However I still have a lot to learn as technology advances and new and improved programs and materials come into our lives.

The digital world is forever advancing in new and improved materials to make our lives "easier." I find that living in a society so dependant on technology to function properly, digital immigrants must be willing to put themselves out and extend their knowledge if they want to survive. However I feel that the main point Prensky is trying to put across is that both digital natives and digital immigrants can learn from each other. Both generations have very different and positive values and strategies to bring to the table when it comes to teaching. Through the collaboration of both understandings, students can excel to the best of their abilities in the classroom and the digital world. Therefore it must not be forgotten that our students learning is our top priority, as teachers.

Overall I feel that this article was well presented and touched on many relevant issues concerning everyday people, which made it easier to relate to and accept.

Cultural Change needed to exploit ICT in Schools

I personally found this article effectively links to our previous article reading, “digital natives, and digital immigrants.’ The major issue again being that students have more information and communication technology expertise than many teachers now days. It was stated in the article by Elliott “in many ways, Australia has been a leader in ICT and education since the earliest days.” Therefore it is our responsibility, as aspiring teachers, to make sure that when we do eventually enter the work force we are qualified in the ICT learning area to the best of our abilities. It can be seen that computers are becoming increasing useful and are able to open up new opportunities to our students through the use of this new technology. We as teachers must embrace this new way of teaching, and not be threatened by it.

This article points out both the negative and positives aspects of computers. Therefore it depends on your out look, your beliefs and views on the advanced world of computers which will determine whether you agree or not to the articles statements. I personally feel that the benefits far out weigh the problems; however issues such as grammar and spelling are very important areas of English that are not helped by the use of computers.

I feel that my biggest fear as a teacher is that both the students and the teacher will become increasingly dependant on the computer that other teaching strategies and resources will take a back seat. However in the end it really comes down to the teacher’s knowledge and confidence in computers and their ability to create balance within the classroom.
I feel that this article was very well written it explored all areas of concern within the issue of technology in the classroom. It touched on good and important points and ended with very strong beliefs that would affect a wide audience.