Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Computers as Mind Tools for Engaging Critical Thinking: David Jonassen

This article effectively highlights the different computer tools available to teachers and students alike. I personally feel that this is a very theoretical article that expresses how computers can be used as great tools to enhance and better our understanding and widen our knowledge.

I feel that out of all of the articles read so far this particular one would have to be the one in which I agree with most. I personally use the mind tools such as the database, micro worlds, and semantic networking in my classroom. I agree with Jonassen when he keeps reinforcing the importance of the use of computers and how they should be exercised as tools to better our learning rather then this sudden force on teachers to meet this demand.

I personally feel that if you have the right ideas and tools, you as the teacher can reinforce and promote learning within the classroom. I strongly agree with Jonassen when he points out how using technology does not encourage students to speak their mind and express their opinion. However with the right balance within the classroom this minor problem can be deal with.

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